- A structured curriculum that meets NAACLS accreditation requirements
- Physical facilities to meet the educational needs of the interns
- Faculty who have teaching skills, like to teach, and by example, will encourage the intern to develop motivation, scientific curiosity, professional behavior and an interest in establishing meaningful goals
- A sufficient quantity and variety of specimens, procedures, instrumentation, technology and methodology for intern practice and experience in order to achieve the competencies that embody excellence in laboratory practice
- Resources, e.g. library facilities, textbooks, journals, conferences, instructional technology related to intern learning activities
- Program goals; lecture, clinical rotation and professional objectives; minimum performance criteria
- A scheduled rotation assignment at clinical laboratory facilities and a schedule of lecture presentations
The School of Medical Laboratory Science also:
- Arranges with other laboratories for demonstration or practice in any area not represented within the School’s facilities
- Teaches professional ethics by demonstrating technologist responsibility to the patient, community, co-workers and themselves
- Evaluates and provides permanent records of intern performance
- Grades and/or evaluates the intern solely upon performance measured against academic standards (Intern shall NOT be graded or performance evaluated on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability or veterans' status)
- Provides a mechanism for intern evaluation of facilities, faculty and curriculum
- Provides a certificate upon satisfactory completion of the Clinical Program